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Photos from our recent meetings and events. Photos will be updated each month.

October 12th – the theme was walking sticks.

Walking sticks made by Clive. Top; Totara with a Rimu Handle, middle; Puriri with a wisteria handle, bottom; bubinga with an antler handle

September 14th – results from the box challenge

Macrocarpa & acacia box by Liam, 2 rimu boxes by Tim G.

2 x viburnum boxes by Don, rimu box by Peter, rimu box by Barry, cherry box by Clive, 2 x wisterias box by Don

Kauri and gold leaf box by Tim A.

Puriri stacking boxes by Quentin

Pohutukawa box by Keith. Macrocarpa by Keith. Apple box by ? Rimu box by Ian B.

Puriri box Graem., Pohutukawa salt and pepper mills by Ian B.

2 macrocarpa boxes by Russell, Graeme & Phil critiquing the boxes, more wig stands!

Golden elm bowl by Keith, carving by Hope & Ashley

September – woodwork on display at the Kapiti Arts and Crafts Society Exhibition

(Above and below) Work by Peter, Tim, Phil, Andrea M, Russell, and Glenis. The exhibition runs from September 5th – 29th

(Above and below) More of the woodwork on display at the Kapiti Arts and Crafts Society Gallery on Matai Road, Raumati.

August 10th Guild meeting

The topic for the afternoon was tool sharpening. First some videos, then out to the workshop for hands-on practice

Cypress bowl by Peter. Plum bowl by Peter. Wisteria vessel with matai lid by Quentin

A great selection of wig stands for the NZ Cancer Society and gift bowls for Mary Potter Hospice

July 13th meeting

(Above) Matai bowl & lid by Quentin. Wisteria bowl also by Quentin

(Above) Wisteria creations; bowl, chip & dip plate, and another bowl by Don

(Above) Poplar breathing bowl by Bob. Totara apple and eggs by Marian.

(Above) 3 Blackwood knitting bowls by Bob. Red Beech 47cm dish by Brian & Glenis

(Above & below) Stool by Don. Oregon & Macrocarpa pots by Tim. Speaker; Glenis. Our amazing response to the wig stand challenge.

June 8th meeting

(Above) Bill Thomas spoke about his career in the building industry, making segmented items and the miniature furniture he has made.

(Above) An article about Bill’s hobby appeared in the March/April 2024 issue of The Shed magazine

(Above) Bill’s segmented pieces and the story board he created for the miniature house

(Below) more of Bill’s furniture, made for a miniature house – a 40 year hobby. Ian presented some facts on the Silver Beech tree.

(Above and below) small bowls for Mary Potter Hospice, plus a few items made by Guild members to share on our display table

Spoon – Mark K. Tagine form – Brian A. Pens & holder – Ian B. Wisteria bowl – Peter P. Avocado bowl – Don M.

Central Districts Woodworkers Expo, Palmerston North, May 19th 2024

(Above and below) Team 1; Jim, Peter and Quentin made a spinning top. Team 2: Tim, Clive and Jim made a pencil pot

(Below) our display table made up of an array of woodwork from our Guild members. (More info in the June ’24 Lancewood)

May 2024 meeting – following the AGM.

Quentin presents the Presidents trophy to Peter Penhall. Bassinette made by Ian P. Recorder by Ron. Banukelele by Bob.

Embellished bowls made by Clive. Left – copper and paint. Centre and right – beach shells in resin.

(Left to right) Flame bowl by Tim. Carved plaque by Ashley. 2 bowls with leather bound rim by Glenis.

April 2024 meeting – the results of the Prickle Pear Challenge, and some gadgets made by our members.

(Above) Prickly Pear challenge entrants; Ian O, Quentin, Ben, Keith, Peter, Tim, Clive and Ian P. (Below) some of the entries.

(Above and below) More of the entries

(Above) Hollow forms in Miro (left) and rosewood (right)

(Above, left to right) Embellished bowl by Tim, Wisteria bowl by Don. Wig stands and gift bowls from guild members.

Dennis showed us his bandsaw jig for holding logs, and a handsaw storage rack. Ron explained his hollowing tool for tapered recorders.

Our table at the MenzShed garage sale on March 23rd was a success. Some sales, potential new members and time to chat with the public about the KWWG.

March 9th – Katy Cottrell, cabinet maker and teacher, spoke to us about marquetry – small pieces of coloured wood inlaid for decoration.

Our stall at the Royal AP&I show, Levin Showgrounds, January 20th and 21st 2024.

Photos from all the activities during November

(Above) Kaput Arts Trail – Dennis, Clive, Pauline and Graeme on the stall at Big Mac Slabs. Keith turning a spinning top.

(Below) The guild’s display of woodwork for sale

(Above) More of the Guild’s items for sale at Big Mac Slabs during the Kapiti Arts Trail

(Below) Nov 11th, Quentin & Gwyneth present the gift bowls to Mary Potter Hospice. Ian & Clive at the Strawbery Fair, Nov 18th.

Photos from our October meeting where Don McWhirter and Peter Penhall demonstrated how to make tulips for the Parkinsons society.

Above: Bowls and wig stands from the guild members. An art piece by Ian.

Below: A Norfolk pine tagine form by Bryan.

Above: spotted bowl by Ian B. Dish with resin inlayed rim by Tim. Tape measure by Bryan.

Below: Totara plate with flax inlay by Dennis. A piece of Fijian (?) timber which Quentin will use for a guitar neck.

Photos from the September meeting

(Above) Tagine form made from Norfolk pine by Brian. Carved sign by Ashley.

(Below) Bowls, bowls and more bowls! turned by the guild members for our Hospice Christmas gift.

Photos from our August meeting where embellished bowls were the challenge.

(Above) Ian spoke about his life’s journey. Ashley spoke about his wood carving hobby. An example of his work.

(Below) The book that inspired Ashley, and another of his carvings.

(Above and below) The embellished bowl challenge! The bowls by our club members were on display.

Alison Barbour and Gill Allsop selected a few outstanding pieces and gave some feedback.

(Above and below) Items by Ian P, Ian O, Don, Peter, Clive and Derek.

(Above) Lidded bowl by Peter. Pot with pyrography by Clive. Matai burr by Don McWhirter

(Below) Large Black Maire platter by Brian.

July Meeting

(Above and below) Plates, bowls and wig stands on the display table.

(Above) Some spectacular pieces by our guild members.

(Below) Decorative plate by Ben. Artistic piece by Ian B, small drawers and beautiful plate by guild members.

June Meeting

Alan Berry spoke about his rocking horse, and his visit to Turnfest (Australia) and the NAW symposium. The plate and wig stand challenge.

Manawatu Expo, 20th May 2023

The team hard at work (above) and the winning entries (below) 1st place Wairarapa, 2nd place ??, 3rd Kapiti!

May meeting – JimLowe talked about critiquing our own work and improving on our best work each time.

April meeting – Quentin introduced his steam bending frame (for guitar making)

Quentin with his steam bending frame. Wooden flowers and leaves. 3 plates by Clive, Bob and Quentin.

(Above) Walking stick by Clive. Tawa bowl by Keith. Small bowl by (name to be added)

(Below) Wig stands by Don. Mushrooms and spinning tops by Ben. Earring stands by Tim, kauri bases and rewarewa tops.

Creations on display at our March 2023 meeting…

(Above) Very thin Totara plate by Keith.

(Below) Sheoak vase/vessel made by Ben

(Above) A sheep and an oak picture frame made from a recycled bedhead. Both items by Quentin.

(Below) Small drawers (known as bandsaw boxes) by Ian B

(Above) Cedar Plate by Ian B, walking stick by Clive and wig stands (left) by Don and (right) by Clive

(Below) 3 bowls by Don (left to right) Walnut, Osage Orange and Rimu

(Above) Small Olive bowl and off-centre turned bowl by Clive.

(Below)Driftwood vase/vessel made by Don. With the remaining driftwood Don made the 4 tulips and the vase that holds them

(Above and below) Our display at the Levin AP&I show January 2023

(Above & below) Gwyneth’s window seat made from scrap wood from her garage including an old rimu door. Finished with a velvet cushion,

(Above and below) 6 of the 20 embellished wood items Phil Quinn shared with us at the November meeting; ‘Embellishing is my life’

Sept 25th our club’s 25th Anniversary 2022 see more photos and story here.

(Above left) Our display at the Kapiti Arts Trail 2022. (Right) Phil Harris from the Horowhenua Cancer society receiving the gift bowls

Sept 10th Julian Chapman from St John Ambulance gave us a talk on safety and first aid in the workshop

(Above and Below) working bee on Friday September 9th. a good turn out and great results!

The August challenge was segmented pieces. Our members chose the size, shape and timbers used.

(Above and below) Tiny rimu & corian box by Brian. Segmented barrel and dish by Ben.

Bowl by Ian O. Bowl by Pat. Cup by Tim. Bowl by Peter

(Below) The gadgets from our July 2022 meeting our members have made to assist with various stages of the wood turning process.

(1) Vacuum dust extraction system. (2) Vacuum face plate and attachment by Ron. Cutting Jig for bowl turning and elliptical shapes by Ian P.

(3) Steady rest and off centre turning by Tim. Tulips for the Alzheimer’s Society by Don, (4) Special item (foreground) by Ian B.

(5) Ian O’s texturing tool and (6) the texturing detail on end grain (7) Quentin’s dodecahedron for making a 12-sided porthole

(Above) Ian O’s segmented bowl process for our August meeting (3 photos).

Texturing on a macrocarpa bowl. Shown by Brian who spoke about texturing at our June meeting.

(Above and below) The display at the Kapiti Art Society showing pieces by Phil, Tim, and Clive.

Items by Clive, Tim, and Graeme displayed at the Kapiti Arts Society.

Alan’s rocking horses. Pictures (above) from his talk at the club meeting in May 2022

Some of Tim’s segmented bowls shown during his talk at our April 2022 meeting.

Our April meeting was hands-on jewellery making with Andrea. From left: a bangle holder, Graeme on the tiny tools and Tim’s earing stands

December 2021 meeting, Roy spoke about his many years of turning and displayed some of his works from the very small to the very large.

The display table at the November 2021 meeting. Lidded hollow form by Tim, vase by Graeme and wig stands by members.

A tribute to Jim Lowe who is a foundation member of the guild and is leaving Kapiti and moving north.

AP&I show display tables. Left is Brian’s display table, then 2 photos of tables displaying the guilds creations

Some of the speakers we had in 2021; Keith; Harp maker, Dave brought in his carousel horse and Ron with a recorder he’s made.

Peter brought in some of the guitars he’s made and spoke at our meeting in November 2021

May 2021 – our club’s entry at the Palmerston North Woodworkers Expo. “Insectus Fantasticus Kapiti”