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Clive Williams

I live in the Horowhenua District and am retired from full-time employment.  

I have been woodturning for 14 years and enjoy the challenge of turning a piece of wood into something both useful and beautiful (not necessarily at the same time!).

I try to use New Zealand native timbers where-ever possible but as these become increasingly harder to source, exotics are also turned.

Commissions – I’m happy to discuss a commission.

All prices are in New Zealand dollars.

Postage not included.

Email Clive

Walking Stick – SOLD

3 piece walking stick, pohutukawa stem, Red deer antler handle, brass fittings

Height: Assembled 950mm

Weight: 500gms

ID: CW-001



Rewarewa bowl turned off-centre.

Measurements: 120mm diameter, 55mm height

Weight: 660gms

ID: CW-002
